Childcare Apprenticeship - Level 3

£8.60 - £11.44 hourly
Part time Apprentice

Job Description

Level 3 Childcare Apprenticeship – Steeple Aston Preschool

The Aspire Training Team are seeking a motivated, reliable and enthusiastic individual as an apprentice to complete their Level 3 Childcare qualification with Steeple Aston Preschool.

About Steeple Aston Preschool

Situated in the quiet, rural village of Steeple Aston our purpose-built Victorian school has been modernised and extended for the exclusive use of pre-school children.

Our Core Principles;

  • Staff work hard to ensure a safe and supportive environment
  • Children are stimulated and interested in the wide range of activities
  • Children are encouraged to solve problems through experimentation, trial and error
  • Children learn there is more than one way to achieve a goal, and the process is as important as the result
  • Outstanding procedures for managing times of transition, such as settling children into the pre-school

This is an exciting opportunity to complete a level 3 Childcare Qualification within a friendly team at a fantastic setting

Your roles and responsibilities will include;

  • The candidate will support with supervising children, and help with all personal care including hand washing and toileting
  • You will help with planning activities, and be a support to the key members pf the team, observing , getting to know the children and the families
  • You will support with learn through play, everything is but around the around children’s interest, no strict curriculum, flexible in their learning, and have the ability to their think on your toes, although there’s a daily routine, there is an element of in the moment planning
  • Learning about the role, and to develop into a role to eventually be a key person, an element of reporting and observations, building up to liaising with parents


  • Level 2 Childcare Qualification
  • To obtain a clear DBS 
  • Have an understanding of safeguarding and keeping children safe knowledge
  • GCSE’s A*-C/4+ in English Language and Maths, or equivalent i.e. functional skills


  • Steeple Aston Preschool are open between the hours of 08:15-15:30
  • Working hours will be a minimum of 30 hours per week 
  • Chesterton Playgroup are a term time only setting 


  • Social events, end of term
  • Free parking



  • Social events, end of term
  • Free parking

Nursery Name

Aspire Sales